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Paul carries out commercial surveys for flowering plants, ferns, bryophytes, lichens, non-lichen fungi and charophytes. He also offers training courses in field identification and applied ecology. He takes a special interest in devising mitigation, translocation and habitat creation for plant and fungus species threatened by landuse change.

If you would like to speak with Paul about such work informally please contact him by landline or email. Commercial fee proposals can be supplied at need and subject to mutual agreement.

Paul's commercial work is carred out under Botanical Investigations Standard Terms and Conditions (please request a copy).

Please note that Paul is a sole trader. Sometimes he is away from his desk and may not be able to respond immediately. However, it is unusual for him to be out of contact for more than 48 hours.

Dr Paul L Smith BSc (Hons) PhD MCIEEM CEnv

Telephone:        (01386) 858328


E-mail Paul


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Image: The bogmoss Spagnum denticulatum  shown here has lost chlorophyll due to attack by the sphagnum greyling fungus  Sphagnurus paluster  (syn. Tephrocybe palustris)